"So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."
-Romans 12:5

Getting Involved at CTK
One of the many ways the church is described in the Bible, is that we are the "family of God," brought into relationship with the Father and with each other by Jesus Christ's saving work.
We are intentional about inviting every person at Christ the King to be part of a Small Group. These small group families study the Bible together, pray for, help and support one another, have all kinds of fun together (from bowling, to camping, to special events, and movies), and provide places to grow in faith and in "family" relationships.
The early Christian Church, during the period of its greatest vitality, was made of many small groups, studying, learning, growing and reaching out with the good news about Christ. Come and be part of that kind of vitality here at Christ the King!
Here at Christ the King, we believe that every member has a role in ministry—that we are all called to use our God-given gifts to minister to others. We come together not just to be served, but to serve. We have a wide variety of ministries at Christ the King. Not all of them are listed on this website, but we listed a few for you to further explore.