Opportunities for Little Ones

Our Christian Education Classes are Sundays at 9 AM during the school year for kids ages 2 and older. During our Sunday morning worship services, we provide kids’ activity bags and nursery care for children ages 3 and under.

We accept precious young ones as gifts from God to be loved and treasured. In our children's ministry, we seek to follow the example of Jesus in our teaching and in our relationships with the children. Jesus gathered the little ones into his arms and put everything aside to hold and love them. At CTK, we believe it is the church’s role to assist parents and families in raising up children in the knowledge of Christ, presenting the Gospel through engaging, age-appropriate and biblically-sound programming and events so that every child can be given the opportunity to understand and respond to the message of Jesus Christ.

At CTK, we also believe in the importance of helping to raise up children with resilient faith, faith that can withstand the withering assaults of higher education and society at large. Most children who grow up in church never return after they go to college. We want kids to know that it is not crazy or backwards to believe in God, and that they can trust the Bible to guide their steps in all areas of life. To that end we seek to prepare kids, even from a young age, so that they have answers to the questions the world will demand of their faith, so that the seeds that are planted as children might not be stolen away in adulthood.

Our children’s ministries are designed to be safe and fun and a place where children can grow to understand how important they are to the Lord and find their own relationship with God through Jesus Christ. All teachers are required to submit to a background check and Safe Sanctuary training.