3D Women’s Small Group
In-Depth Bible Study. Currently studying the book Sensible Shoes.
Leader: Leslie Venable
When: Three Thursdays per month, 6:30-8:30 PM
Where: CTK Multipurpose Room
Moms in Prayer
Prayer Group for Moms.
Leader: Carolyn Rogers
When: Saturdays at 10 AM
Where: Zoom
Precepts Bible Study for Women
In-depth inductive Bible study that includes lecture and discussion. Currently studying Jeremiah.
Leader: Susan Dooling
When: Thursdays weekly 7:30-9:00 PM
Where: Zoom
4 D Women’s Small Group (Daytime Digging Down Deep Bible Study)
In-depth Bible Study for women that includes lecture and discussion. Goes through books of the Bible one at a time. Currently studying the book of Acts.
Leader: Susan Dooling
When: Tuesdays weekly at 10 AM
Where: Zoom